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Friday, November 11, 2011

WharrlllggooofHWJAAAAAH!!!! - Skyrim Adventures #1

As you can tell by the awesome title, I've got Skyrim. It's very... adventure-ish. Much like Oblivion there's sort of a go through with a "tutorial" ish area where you can't do stuff for a while, but then you can, and there's a person and he's like "I'll help you!" and you're like "Yay!" so you run and you go and you escape and huzzah!

Then it opens up and says "Let's split up, go here to (progress the storyline)" and you're like FUCK THAT! My first adventure included leaving, heading... East I believe, climbing a bunch of mountains (I doubled back around Helgen) then finding some rude Half-orc who I tried to persuade into leaving me alone, and instead she killed me. What a bitch. So the second time I progressed the story just enough to do that love triangle quest in the first little town, then I skipped the claw thing thinking it wasn't important. Apparently it was indeed important, but I went to the main town (after much meandering) to see what would be there.

Eventually I got a little quest to do some smithing which was awesome. First of all I love that Skyrim has added a crafting system because crafting is bosstastic and secondly that they gave me a quest encouraging that I both use smithing and learn how it works, giving me a greater chance of retaining that knowledge and using the smithing throughout the game. Which I intend to do. Because I love crafting.

Anyways did the claw quest with relative ease, but I had to drop the difficulty level back to Adept as I wasn't properly equipped to deal with higher difficulty levels yet. I have noticed however that archery is far more valid than it was before, scoring sneak attacks with the bow doesn't necessarily mean I won't be able to make another one, so I've been having a bit of a fun time sneaking and shooting whereas in Oblivion it seemed entirely useless, like you might as well just run in at everyone. Speaking of running in, combat isn't the intense dodge-centric brawlfest that Dead Island is, but it's still fun. Counters and the "independant hand" system have made it more interesting, allowing dual wielding to be a bit more viable and interesting. For instance for charge attacks I can lead with a larger blade, then when I'm in close follow up with dagger attacks. I have no idea if that's working or not, but it seems fun.

More updates to come, currently level 10 with rather decent proficiency in one-handed, archery and sneaking. Which is awesome. Also got freaked the fuck out by a bear, which was not awesome.

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