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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MOBA Adventure #2 - November #1

This week's MOBA Adventure is actually about last week! Yay. That's League of Legends preseason week 8. I don't remember, I'm pretty sure there was like Graves, Miss Fortune... a bunch of other good people... But whatever I'm tanky (always, sigh) so I played Galio. Despite that sigh, I actually really enjoyed Galio.

League of Legends - Galio
Galio's a lot of fun, I enjoy him way more than I thought I would. Why I didn't think I would is... beyond me I guess. Anyways so this guy's nifty passive turns half (I think?) of his MR (magic resistance) into AP (ability power), so the better he gets at defending against ability power attacks the better he gets at dealing damage, which is pretty awesome. Unfortunately, the drawback is when Galio goes up against a team of AD (attack damage) characters he has to build armor to defend against those characters, which usually hampers his MR and consequently his AP, which is no fun, but usually it just forces me to take on a more supportive role and less damaging one.

I played him pretty darn well I'd say, though I just yesterday hit level 20 so I had no runes, meaning I was usually pretty mana starved early game with him. His Q, the eye laser thing (which is like a big swirly ball for some reason) is pretty expensive, but it does scary damage as a harass and also slows. I laned with a Graves so usually we'd grab some early kills when I slowed someone (or both of them) and he'd burst them down. Early game was almost always easy for me.

It seems like Galio's a really awesome tank as long as there's enough AP on the other team to keep him alive. Getting chased by AD champs is no fun though, and really can make him ineffective if the other team plays right. He's still got plenty of health and it's not like building armor makes him worse or anything, but a whole enemy team of AP characters makes him godlike and that's when he's the most fun. Beyond that, flash-ulting with his AoE taunt is one of those team fight winning ults that gives your allies plenty of time to kick the shit out of people, much like Amumu's ult, but with a lot more damage dealing and taking.

At the end of the day, I might end up purchasing him down the line, but for now I'll stick to playing the rotation.

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